by Azmyth | Nov 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
About a decade ago we were busy producing and recording a record envisioned by a super talented and extraordinarily fun artist named Aimee Allen, formerly on Electra Records. The months of grueling long days and nights resulted in a body of work we were very proud to...
by Azmyth | Oct 28, 2019 | Azmyth Artists
Long time Azmyth client Brad Kleinschmidt comes in with his band to lay down rhythm beds for a new project engineered by Carey Goodspeed.
by Azmyth | Sep 30, 2019 | Azmyth Artists
Pleasure to have Atlantic Records artist Lucas Joyner in for an all night session writing some new material. #lucasjoyner #atlanticrecords
by Azmyth | Sep 28, 2019 | Azmyth Artists
An Open Mic Event held by Azmyth Recording – Welcoming all singer/songwriters, poets, MC’s, stand-up & more. *Guidelines to Peforming* 1. Fill out this form below *OR* arrive with backing track on USB Flash Drive: ...
by Azmyth | Jun 29, 2019 | Azmyth Artists
We purchased this mint condition RCA 74B microphone about 7 years ago and have found it to be a very unique and interesting microphone. They were originally built as a mid level radio announcers mic in the early 1930’s and are seen in various newsreel footage...